

2021MPAcc英语学习 | 语法经典例句第二部分:三大从句

来源:社科赛斯MPAcc网    人浏览    时间:2020-07-02 09:23:04



众所周知,考研英语大纲对管理类联考语法提出明确要求,其中最为重点且核心语法部分是非谓语动词和语法从句。今日社科赛斯MPAcc网小编整理了“2021MPAcc英语学习 | 语法经典例句第二部分:三大从句”的内容,希望帮到你~



A doctor is a person who cures patients.


A six-year-old boy can speak three foreign languages, which surprises all the people present.


1. 关系代词
句法功能 指代人 指代物 指人或指物
主语 who          which that
宾语 whom        which that
定语 whose        whose  
(1) The train which has just left is for Xi’an.

(2) Do you know the girl whose French is excellent?

(3) The sick man whom Mary is looking after is her father.

(4) Can you lend me the novel that you talked about the other day?

(5) As is known to all, water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
2. 关系副词
关系副词 指代物 句法功能
when     表示时间的名词 时间状语
where      表示地点场合的名词 地点状语
why     reason 原因状语
(1) I still remember the day when I first met Jennifer.

(2) It’s one of the few countries where people drive on the left.

(3) The next breakthrough came in 2000, when Google figured out how to make money with its invention.

(4) He didn’t tell me the reason why he was so upset.


That the seas are being overfished has been known for years.

It was uncertain whether he would come or not.

What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.

Why he didn’t come wasn’t quite clear.


I could tell that he was surprised from the look on his face.

Our activity depends on whether it is fine tomorrow.

The test is intended to reinforce what you have learnt in the past few weeks.

We don’t know how far mankind will be able to solve these problems.

I took it for granted that you’d stay with us.


One advantage of solar energy is that it will never run out.

It looked as if it was/were going to rain.

The problem is who we can get to replace her.

That’s where their unhappiness springs from and that’s why most divorced mothers regard themselves as victims.


We received a message that he would be absent.

Have you any idea how fast sound travels?


定语从句 同位语从句
先行词既可为具体名词也可为抽象名词 同位语从句的先行词多数为抽象名词,如fact, truth, news, possibility等
The news that he got from the teacher made us happy.
The news that he succeeded in the test made us happy.
The truth (that/which) he got from the police made us surprised.
The truth that he was a thief made us surprised.

状语从句 是行使状语功能的从句,其作用相当于副词。按照意义的不同,状语从句可以分为9类。 


Whenever I was in trouble he always came to me and offered his help.

Before you criticize me, I think you should let me explain why I did in the way.

Since he retired, Mr. Jones has too much time on his hands.

Once you understand this rule, you’ll have no further difficulty.


Where there is a will, there is a way.

You should have put the book where you found it.

Wherever I am, I will be thinking of you.

Everywhere they go, he has to take his partner with him.


If I can get together with my lover, I am willing to shorten my life.

Unless you make up your mind, you will lose your chance.

Provided we get good weather, it will be a successful holiday.

As long as we continue to work hard, we can finish the task ahead of schedule.

I’ll come on condition that John is invited too.


I did not marry Alice because she was rich, or because she was pretty.

Since we have no money, we can’t buy a new car.

He must be ill, for he is absent today.

Now that we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.

Vitamins are different in that their elements are arranged differently.

I have to retire on the grounds that I am sick.    

He always studied so hard that he made great progress.

We moved to the country so that we were away from the noisy and dull city.

Lily left home so hurriedly that she left her documents home.

It is such nice weather that all of us want to go to the park.

They got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away.


She got up early so that she could catch the first bus.

I’ll show you so that you can see how it’s done.

I have decided to learn photography in order that I may record the beauty of nature.

I opened the window so that fresh air might come in.


I did as he asked.

He made some changes as you had suggested.

They didn’t do it the way we do now.

She was behaving as if /as though she hadn’t grown up.


Though it was only nine o’clock, there were few people in the streets.

While I understand your point of view, I do not share it.

Whichever book you borrow, you must return it in a week.

He had to get the car fixed no matter how much it cost.

Whether or not it rains, I’m giving a party tomorrow.


I can walk faster than you can run.

He earns less than his wife (does).

He is as tall as his father.

以上就是社科赛斯MPAcc网小编整理“2021MPAcc英语学习 | 语法经典例句第二部分:三大从句”的全部内容,预祝看到这篇新闻的你考研顺利!


